Otley Golf Club 19th October 2019
On Saturday the Club held its annual Charter dinner celebrating the 39th year since the club began.
Lion President David McDowell MJF talked about various projects the club had been involved in so far this year and what was coming up in the future.
Lions and guests were welcomed from Otley, Keighley, Bradford, Selby and York. Amongst the guests were various past District governors including Lion Peter Jesse who had the honour of presenting Lion Barbara Taylor with a Melvin Jones Fellowship.
The Melvin Jones Fellowship, which was created in 1973, takes its name from the founder of Lions Clubs International, Melvin Jones. It is an honor--not an award. The
fellowship was established as Lions Clubs International Foumdarion’s highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual’s dedication to humanitarian service.

Otley Golf Club 19th October 2019
On Saturday the Club held its annual Charter dinner celebrating the 39th year since the club began.
Lion President David McDowell MJF talked about various projects the club had been involved in so far this year and what was coming up in the future.
Lions and guests were welcomed from Otley, Keighley, Bradford, Selby and York. Amongst the guests were various past District governors including Lion Peter Jesse who had the honour of presenting Lion Barbara Taylor with a Melvin Jones Fellowship.
The Melvin Jones Fellowship, which was created in 1973, takes its name from the founder of Lions Clubs International, Melvin Jones. It is an honor--not an award. The
fellowship was established as Lions Clubs International Foumdarion’s highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual’s dedication to humanitarian service.